Tuesday 4 September 2012

Fri 21 Sep - Launch night + GOODBYE PARTY! for the Glasgow - South Africa Activism Training Delegation

Presented by 'So We Stand', an exciting launch night focused on community activism and international solidarity.

“Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to
 be neutral. ”― Paulo Freire

Come and hear from the activists involved + performers - spoken word artists and youth justice activists from Glasgow. 

Want to fight injustice? Want to share ideas to transform and empower our communities?

Presenting the following + much more:

Feedback and ideas to continue the Summer Activism Schools -www.sowestand.com in collaboration with the African Caribbean Network Scotland www.acnglasgow.org/

Volition Scotland - 'Volition' means 'of your own free will' - home to a growing Community of like minded individuals who want to take control of their lives using things like: Music, Dance, Visual Art, Photography, Film, Recording and Live Events. Volition is unique because it was set up and is run by Young People who want to take responsibility for themselves.

Legendary community activist - Cathy McCormack with a screening of 'The War Without Bullets'